Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Merry & Happy

I find myself having had a merry Christmas, and I am looking forward to a happy new year.

There are, of course, always less fortunate individuals. This year I seem to have had reminders from many around me as to just how unfortunate these things can be.

Allow me please to start with the slightly 'mixed' news brought to us by Northern Monkey, whose sister left her husband (a John Simm look-alike, apparently) of five years (and partner of ten) earlier this year for a married father of two.
As the new twist in the tale became known to Ms. Monkey on Boxing Day, I hope she managed to get enough sleep. Or vodka.

I remember AnnieSeed and of wishing her hope in 2007, let alone 2008.

My boss, meanwhile, has discovered that he has exertional angina. Of the four arteries to his heart, two are apparently 90% blocked, and the other two 70% blocked. Apparently the doctor is amazed that he can even stand up - we assume this must be due to his general good health - he still plays (well, until recently) Friday Night Football, and still loves to go for a good hard run during the more pleasant months.
He is booked in now for a quadruple bypass.

Today, January 2nd 2008, marks three years since I proposed to my wife. Tomorrow her birthday. This week, I plan to read back over a letter from my solicitor to try to make a decision as to whether to pursue divorce or annullment.

I logged in today to a forum of which I am a member. A thread caught my eye - a tribute to a member. "Is this silly?" I wondered, "Or serious?"
Serious, it would appear. A separate thread marked a note from the member's husband that she had died that day.

December 31st. The end of the year. And the end of employment for my redundant colleague, with whom I have worked for five years. He leaves us with no new job prospects as yet, and a partner at home who cannot stand nor sit for more than 30 minutes without needing to lay down afterwards. Despite more time at the hospital than I have had holiday, and more of their own time spent researching it than I have played Oblivion, still nobody knows what is wrong with her.
Still, despite m'colleague being almost twice my age, I suggested that we all went to the pub for lunch. I bought both his lunch and his pint, but more proud was I of the fact that I overcame my inhibitions before he left that day to initiate a quick, manly hug.

Meanwhile, a friend of a friend prepares for a disciplinary meeting at work over trivialities, in spite of what seems to me to be the whole department singing their praises.

My other boss had family over for Christmas day. His brother-in-law felt ill, and went back to bed even before the turkey. Eventually, the paramedics were over. "Man flu," I am told they diagnosed.

He died an hour later.

To all who must suffer pain at this time (or any other), I hope that the words "merry" and "happy" do twist, do not sour, do not leave twinges of hurt and regret.

Sometimes, perhaps, the darkness can seem so blinding that the light cannot be seen.

I would like to say something inspiring. Something stirring, something to make the bad things seem better, something to turn this post around, to produce smiles over sorrow.

Sadly, no such words seem to appear before me.

No matter how small or large our problems, may we all find things to bring us comfort, may we find the things that we love, and the people that love us right there, whenever we need them, no matter the reason.

We all have our load to bear, but no matter how you may feel your load compares to that of another, it does not matter. Comparing problems may make them feel smaller, less important, but that does not mean they weigh less to ourselves.
I hope simply that you have the things and the people around you to help you bear their weight.

All who read this, my readers, my friends, my family, no matter how it may seem to start or end, I wish you all again a very happy new year.


  1. Hope the New Year brings you all you could wish for...

    (that doesn't include any more manly hugs I hope?)

  2. I suppose it just goes to show that one never knows when our last moments are likely to be. Life can change in an instant, for better or ill, we never know.

    There is hope. Of course there is. The sun still rises in the East. These events don't make sense, bad things happen to good people and vice versa (which is really annoying). But you can't protect yourself from it, you can only live your life well and with hope.

    Enjoy the small moments of joy throughout your day. Moments of kindness from strangers, hugs (manly or otherwise) from friends, the world around us is an amazing place if we take the time to see. Even with the death, disasters and congential stupidity.

    * All this faux philosophy was brought to you without the benefit of alcohol.

  3. Life moves pretty fast at times; sometimes you have to stop and look around a little or else it passes you by.

    All the best into 2008!

  4. Nice post IM! It's true we should savour what we have now as we don't know what's round the corner, but we all get through what's thrown in our path and sometimes good things come from the darkest times and we meet the best people, who help us along our way.

    If it wasn't for blog charting your marriage difficulties we wouldn't have all met in cyberspace, so I suggest a toast to good friends *raises another glass of vodka*

    NM x

  5. I'm with the Monkey! Here's to all my lovely lovely friends - tangible and faceless but all equally valued

  6. Cogi: ALL I can wish for? Me too! ;) Thank you, you too :)

    Roses: All that without alcohol? Gosh, you must be a world class prophet when you've finished a bottle ;) I relish those small moments of joy. Indeed, I think it's something I have faith in.

    Ing: I've been thinking of you recently and over Christmas. I see from your blog that at least you got some time to snack on Christmas :) Wishing you all the best :)

    NM: Thank you! :) Too true. It's amazing the things that sometimes seem so insignificant, and things beyond our imagining grow from them.

    Hottie: I was going to (try to) think of something else interesting to say to that, and yet I find all of a sudden my mind can see only images of that Dr. Who where nobody had faces :)

  7. Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

  8. Oooh, nice one cogi!

    *nods off again*

