Monday, October 01, 2007

Old Romantic

A cunning combination of crafty considerations culminated this weekend.

Sorry, I seem to have been fancying the odd spot of alliteration recently :)

The second present I bought Quna finally came into its own this weekend, to turn into one really, really exciting amazing present.

Well. Ish. ;)

Back on the second time I met her (hmm, which was after our first date, but had been unsure of how it had gone, so the next time I met her after that wasn't an official "date), I bought Quna a rather special little present.

Then, I knew one thing she'd have liked recently (as a practical li'l present), that I'd bought a few days before she came over this weekend.

AND, while she was over here, I then spotted something else that I said "Ooh! Can I buy that for you?" over.

And so, that second time I met Quna, that gift I gave her then came in useful. And some people may have thought I was mad to buy her a lightbulb ;)

Oh yes, a light bulb, two four-way extension leads, and a small lamp. It doesn't get better than that ;)


  1. What a lucky girl!

    She must find being your girlfriend very illuminating ;)

  2. Oh god here come all the "electrifying experience" puns... despite which I assume you're now her main man? (groan)

  3. I made her eat sixteen packets of Polos the other day.

    She certainly had her fill a' mints.

    (Sorry, I really wanted to try to come up with something involving the "filament" of the bulb, and that was the best I could manage. Hopefully, it was abominably dreadful ;) )

    Thought you had acquired your own blog there for a moment, Cogi, when I saw your name in blue :)

  4. I'm glad you elucidated there, Monk - my first thought was that she must have had terrible halitosis! ;o)

    Had my wires crossed, didn't I?
    (ba da boom)


  5. hotter than,

    That wasn't *your* sculpture in Norwich hitting the national headlines today, was it? ;o)


  6. Not guilty Zeb. Care to elaborate?

  7. It's been on the BBC News and also in the Daily Telegraph - thought LOTS of people would have seen it!

    I'll have a lookee for a link.

