Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I am...

A complete and total fucking moron.

I am STILL not doing the things I should be doing, and on top of that, I keep doing things I shouldn't be doing!

I have dug myself a hole so deep that I can barely see the sky.

I need to get this damn project finished.

This may have started as a symptom of other problems, but I allowed it to grow stagnant and fester. It is now a serious problem in itself.

I have barely talked to anyone about it. When I talk about it, I rarely talk to the people I should talk to about it. When I talked to them, I could not admit the scope of the problem. The amount of work still to be done.

*shakes head*

I have to finish this. Tonight. I just had a cup of coffee. I hate coffee.


  1. If "STILL not doing the things I should be doing, and on top of that, I keep doing things I shouldn't be doing!" is the definition of a "complete and total f*cking moron" (sorry, can't quite bring myself to type it as it is, lol) then I think that means you're probably in quite good company there!!

    Though I am very tempted to ask what's the difference between a "complete f*cking moron" and and "complete and total f*cking moron". Is total something more/different than complete?


    Down boy, go easier on yourself.



  2. oh no that means i'm a complete and total f*cking moron too! ;-)

    Could be worse...at least you recognise the problem and are doing something about it....not sure under your criteria what the definition of the person is who 'blindly' trundles on oblivious...

    At times like this it's just getting into the right frame of mind and then knuckling down to do it, oh and definitely caffeine helps - just ask roses!

    Can you ask for an extension on the project or help to get it done?

  3. Perhaps we should start a local CATFUMA group (added the U that I missed out earlier for ease of pronunciation).... meetings every Tuesday evening at 7pm in the local Scout Hall where everyone who manages to arrive on time on the right night, will stand up one at a time and say "My name is [insert name here] and I am a Complete And Total F*cking Moron!" - at which everyone will clap enthusiastically. Then it's the next person's turn. Do you think it might catch on? Admitting it is the first step.


  4. As a fellow procrastinator working into the night - I salute you!

    Stop giving yourself a hard time, otherwise it might mean that I am also a CATFUMA and I'm way too hot to wear that title.

    (PS. 6,838 words)

  5. NM said, "Can you ask for an extension on the project or help to get it done?"
    The problem was, I'd done that, and then for so long denied that there was a problem that I couldn't bear to admit it.

    I didn't make it in today... not during working hours, anyway...

    I did have one of the best days I've had in a long time though... where "days" was from 6:45pm to 2:20am ;) I am so lucky to have had such an AWESOME friend to back me up and provide moral support to get me over my random stressing :)

    I'm not sure about all this cat fuming business... What does the RSPCA have to say about it?

    What happens if you turn up on the wrong night and say that? Instead of enthusiastic clapping do you get random pointing and laughter?

    Glad to see you kicking late night butt yourself, Roses :) Nice one! :)

  6. Having done many-a-last moment project in my student days, and having buckled under the pressure of studying for the police - hope you hung in there & saw it through! Good luck!
