Monday, February 27, 2006

The Never-Ending Trickle of Time

Time, it seems, is catching up on me.

A lack of time is responsible for a lack of new entries from me.

And time is rapidly running out before The Big Day.

At least I've sorted out the honeymoon now.

I still feel... nervey... but I'm hopeful some is simply pre-Big Day jitters.

I think I'm going to have to run with all this and see how I feel during and afterwards. I think there's a variety of factors at work, and perhaps I am just afraid of commitment.

What worries me most at the moment is how The Big Day goes.

Actually, it's more about how it ends...

1 comment:

  1. I am curious to know what it is you like about your fiance in general and what qualities is it she has, that you admire?
