Friday, May 26, 2006

We Did It

Actually, we agreed to do it, but she did it.

We agreed last night, after me asking "So, what ARE we doing?" for about three nights in a row, that we would make an appointment with Relate.

"Brand name"-wise, they're kind of the market-leaders in that field, in our impression.

She called Relate earlier this evening and made an appointment for us both.

Can't say it's not slightly scary!

I guess it's the admission of "Yes, we have a problem, and no, we haven't managed to solve it ourselves."

Well, hopefully it's progress.


  1. In my experience, Relate are excellent!

  2. I did consider asking your opinion, but thought it might be better to arrive at a conclusion independently.

  3. Strange... I wonder why the main page still shows only one comment, when there are blanantly two.

    No new posts recently as I don't have anything to say at the moment.
