Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Bits and Bobs and Things to Say

Well, the last time I made a big list, I don't think I referred back to it after about the first day, so I'll try to keep this one short ;)

Right now, I have either started, or want to start, the following posts:

  • Last Monday. This was my last (for the forseeable future) solo Relate session - no revelations, but I will summarise some of the 'generic' questions I was asked and my answers. Specifically: Decision about my blog and secrets (obviously, you know the outcome), stress, my parents, my wife.
  • Last Tuesday. My wife went to the doctor's.
  • Last Wednesday. A little more detail about what I told her and her reactions.
  • Today (Monday). Her last solo Relate session; some things she told me afterwards.
  • Getting engaged, and getting married (I can explain some of my thoughts here as I go, and was reminded I wanted to say about some of this by Northern Monkey's thoughts, as I said below).
  • Ummm I think that's about it for now :)

I was going to try to blog at least one of these today, but it turned into a long evening :)

My wife had the car so she could go to Relate. I'd been planning on getting a lift with someone else from work, but he turned out not to be in. So I umm'd and err'd about how far to walk vs. getting a bus etc.
Eventually, I got a lift with someone else part way, and figured I'd walk along the bus route until I couldn't be bothered to walk anymore :)

Well, as it turned out, I walked the next two miles into town. Which, interestingly enough, was where my wife had left the car... Oh ho ho, and as I got to the car, it started raining... "Oh ho ho ho ho" goes my brain ;)

So, I...

Got in the car...

Drove off...

Turned around...

Left the car parked a few feet away facing the other direction! "Hah!", thought I, "that'll throw her!" ;) And continued home the next two miles on foot :)
In total, I made it home in about an hour and ten minutes, which wasn't bad allowing for ten minutes in the middle pissing about with the car ;)

Did indeed get fairly soaked, but just didn't care really :) I mean I wasn't going to be able to avoid it, and for some reason I just started humming "Summer Holiday" (oh dear, oh dear, oh dear ;)

Also happened to bump into our old trainee on the way. Was interested to hear he has a new job.

Oh, I was also thinking (well, remembered)... Some people say I'm patient. I guess it depends what I'm being patient about. I do hate waiting. I would rather spend 20mins walking than waiting for a bus :) (Er, or in this case, 1 hour walking instead of a few mins for a bus ;)
Well, walking is more fun anyway :)

But I do feel impatient when I end up "stuck" behind someone ambling along slowly.

And I hate waiting for computers! That is one reason I like upgrading mine :) I don't want to do something and have to wait! I want it done noooow! :)
I mean with computers it's those "short" (several seconds to a minute or two) "waits" that get me. Many minutes, and you can do something else. But short enough to not let you do something else irritates me :)

Anyway, speaking of waiting, my wife is upstairs waiting for me to come to bed in "just five minutes..." ;)

*cough* Oops :)


  1. Some people can be patient with people but impatient concerning time.

    I find waiting can be very useful 'thinking' time.

  2. Well I think I tend to occupy my time with something else when waiting for something I know will take a while, and don't have time to think waiting for something quick.
    That's probably why I get so much thinking done in the bathroom and in bed, where I am "forced" to not be doing anything in particular so brain goes into a complete ramble :)

    Two minor updates:
    1. Apparently I was 30mins from the point she went up and I said "I won't be THAT long, just a short while..."
    2. My feet ache. That's the problem with randomly doing a walk like that in work shoes :)

  3. 3. *cough* Apparently... Moving someone's car (even by only a couple of spaces) when they're a young woman in high heels with a handbag on a poorly lit street at night... Not as funny as you might think ;)
    Still... It's the thought that counts! ;)
    4. Oh, and I was carrying the laptop for the first two miles! :) Left it in the car for the second leg ;)

  4. Lol-you poor wife, she must have been a bit confused to find the car in a different place than where she parked it!!

    Re: impatience. I agree with Diane here. I'm fairly impatient on both counts :( I try to be paitent, but it just doesn't come naturally to me, I find.
