Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Told my wife...


"I am quite curious," she said, "as to what you've written, but I think you're right that I might not like it."

"And," she said, "I wonder what blog template you used."




  1. Congratulations, that there is honesty and you should be congratulated! Brave step!

  2. I agree with Ing, brave step!

  3. Thanks guys :)

    Oh bugger, I forgot to turn the alarm off on the clock upstairs. [mad dash upstairs]

    Also... My poor wife is probably having a long week. She's off to the doctor today to see if he has much to say.
    In a slightly "raised voices moment" a few days ago, when she couldn't understand why/how the doctor could possibly help her, I did say "Well you could have like depression or something".
    Did feel a bit guilty about that as it's possibly a bit harsh or something. But she printed off (without me having mentioned it again since) a list of depression symptoms yesterday... and ticked off the ones that applied.

  4. Well done! That's fantastic.

    As for the blog template? Well, it does sound like you're well matched :-)

  5. IM- not wishing to sound patronising at all, but I am so proud of you. Can't imagine the guts that must have took.

    Do you feel like a weight has been lifted?

    Really thrilled for you..and agree with Suz re: the template comment ;)
