Sunday, April 01, 2007

I Have Realised

I spent a while thinking about my recent unnatural habits.

First the futon and the eight cushions, then the curtains in the bedroom, the amount of cookery I have been doing, my growing fondness for the colour pink, my giddy excitement as I hear details of other peoples' relationships, everything really...

And then I look back over all those years...

All those years where it just felt "wrong", in a way I could not understand.

I have been speaking about all of this recently with my friends Paulo and Juan, and, today, I have realised the truth. The truth that explains it all, that finally makes sense of everything.

I am gay.

Truely, on this sunny April morning, it has all started making sense.


  1. Good Lord! I haven't swung through here for a while and when I do, this! Ahem. Forgive me - as I say, I have a lot of reading to catch up on!

  2. LOL

    I feel I should point out that it is April 1st ;)

    If I didn't know that I very definitely like girls more, I wouldn't be comfortable enough to post such things in jest ;)

  3. Methinks the man protesteth too much! He comes out, and then feels he has to say he was only pretending. Poor boy.

    Three weeks ago he said he'd lost his penis, I guess this means he found it again!

    Dearie dearie me. :op



  4. (Note: Not "work safe")

    I've been stuck on this test all day.

    I don't know whether I'm a man or not because I haven't got the answer right once yet :(

    Ok, that cracked me up ;)
    (Plus, once you work out the pattern, you can sod looking at those cups... ;) )

  5. Ha ha ha, not fair, almost fell off my chair reading your post.

  6. Oh let me clarify, fell of my chair laughing.
