Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ing Needs a Slap

Honestly Ing, you do make me laugh :)

It must be the long hard hours, leave your mind a-whirling each night, perhaps :)

Congratulations on now having used my real name THREE times in comments ;) lol :)

Honestly, here I am, Mr. "Anonymous-enough-such-that-I-at-least-couldn't-be-Googled" and you go name-dropping ;)

Thank you for your concern though :)

Life just seems to be busy at the moment, and I'm feeling a little out of the blogging loop.

Meanwhile, my Nan, no real change, basically. Sorry, I had been meaning to write a quick update on this for you all who have been concerned.

I found out a while back that the doctor "in charge" of her had been swapped, as one had too many patients, blah blah, and the new doctor put her back on saline solution, if not nowt else really.

Mum was saying today that she has switched ward now. She was in the stroke ward, but now is in a ward that my Mum described as "seems like people are just waiting there either to go to a home or to die".

She thought the ward seemed very nice though and the nurses very nice and friendly.

Mm, what else? Had a fairly busy weekend. Saturday was an interesting mix of things - Mrs M was over in the afternoon (she's not over here [this part of the country] often at the moment, as she has no need to be), and I gave her a drive with all our honeymoon vids and all our pics and some other stuff on that she has been waiting for me to sort out for a while. She said she probably won't be back this way for about a month. She seemed a little distant in general. Meh, whatever. I'd have liked to remain more as friends or something than to drift apart, but, in the grand scheme of things I'm not really bothered.

My boss' anniversary do was great fun Saturday evening. Although he said that technically their anniversary was actually a few weeks ago and they had really just fancied an excuse for a barbeque ;)

Right, and I think it's time I was off to bed :)


  1. Don't be unpleasant to Ing. It can be a very simple thing to forget. (I've nearly done acouple of times with people). Besides he works very hard and does crazy shifts. That's enough to make anyone a bit forgetful and do the auto-pilot thing.

    Sorry there's no change with your nan. Doctors move between patients all the time. It gives us quite a head spin in pharmacy.
    Sadly there are wards that are just waiting rooms for want of a better phrase. The nurses do a great job but can only do so much. it's hard watching it happen day in day out. Can you see why I want to leave my job?.

    Keeping those candles lit.

  2. In fairness, Ing really did make me laugh by it though :)

    And not that I can talk. I've probably said "lol" out loud a few times ;)

  3. charmed.

    glad your nan's ok though
