Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Blogging Bug

I think I've caught the blogging bug.

I find myself checking my own blog to see whether anyone's left any comments, and checking for new entries on the other blogs, way more than a healthy person should do ;)

Every few days I jump through a good number of random blogs, but I rarely spot anything that I consider coming back to, let alone reguarly.
I have started noticing some interesting (well, ish) patterns though.

For one thing, it's quite nice to notice how many blogs AREN'T in English. I guess I don't often use a single website which acts as a community for people who speak in different languages. As well as the obvious far-Eastern languages (i.e. non-Latin based letters), I'd say the next language you seem to see a lot of is something Spanish-based.

I also seem to have noticed a surprising (well, to me) number of Singapore-based blogs. Of course, that could just be because I now "notice" it that much more when I see a Singaporean blog, on account of AnnieSeed's blog being the only "foreign" one I've really stopped to look at. You know what it's like when you notice something, and then all of a sudden you realise how much of it there is to notice :)
Honestly, listen to me rambling on about things that don't make much sense. Aren't I a right proper eloquent writer ;)

Where was I? Language, Singapore... Oh yes! Religion. That's the other thing I've noticed. There are a surprising number (again, to me - I suppose that's obvious - I'm not likely to specify when something is surprising to someone else) of blogs you visit which have a passage or two quoted from the bible.
Personally, I'm pretty much sitting on the fence when it comes to religion. I'm not pro-religion, but neither am I anti-religion. I don't specifically believe in God on a day-to-day basis, but neither do I specifically NOT believe in God. Of course, I also wouldn't say that I'm specifically agnostic, however as I tend to have a rather scientific "How?" and "Why?" sort of view of the world, I am probably leaning to that side of the fence.

Now, if we put all these observations together, we can see a clear overall picture of your average blog:

It will be written in Spanish by someone who lives in Singapore and is a devout Christian.

Or perhaps not. :)

Tune in to my next post for more random observations! (I don't have any in mind yet, but let's face it, there's a good chance ;) ) On the other hand, maybe I'll even get around to getting back on topic...

1 comment:

  1. yeah thas the reason i started my blog guy, because i came out of working on the street because some pretty freakish things happened to make me turn and notise God.

    haha...well i go off topic on my blog like all the dam time so i wouldent worry about it.
