Monday, June 05, 2006

Relationships Are No Walk in the Park

When I finished work today, I decided not to come straight home. It had already been a long day (I finished a couple of hours late), and I just wanted to unwind a little before heading home. I looked up at the sky and decided it was so such a lovely evening I'd go for a wander.

It was lovely out. The sun was still shining, there were fluffy clouds in the sky, and the moon was out too, which always seems kinda cool against a sunny blue sky.

When I'm in the mood, I quite like walking. It's nice to just have a bit of a wander sometimes. I had absolutely no idea where I was going (I never realised there were so many forks in that small lump of woodland), and that's half the fun.
Of course, what for many people could be a nice relaxing walk, I turn into a baby marathon. Particularly as I relax, my walking speed tends to increase. Still, it means that you get to see more :)

Still, by then, I felt pretty chilled driving home (my apologies to the two girls stuck in the car behind me, who clearly did not want to be driving to the speed limit).

When I arrived home, my wife (btw, she did know I'd be late) was watching Sky's "Paul McKenna - I Can Make You Thin", or whatever it's called. Sat conspicuously next to her was a bag containing what looked suspiciously like take-out. I was at first slightly confused, presuming that she'd just found the bag somewhere and we'd forgotten to put it in the bin. I don't know why I presumed that.

Which, in a round-about way, brings me closer to my next subject. I did start writing about it earlier, but didn't have time to finish. Right now, I still couldn't be bothered. All the rubbish in this entry was just "off the cuff", whilst I'll actually need to think when I go back to writing the other one ;)

Still, I may get back to it before I go to bed. If not, I'll keep chip chip chipping away at it, until I discover what the maximum size of a blog entry is ;)

1 comment:

  1. Actually, it has got a bit late a bit quickly (sorry, I've been spinning a few plates tonight) (no, of course I don't mean REAL plates) (that doesn't mean plastic ones. stop being so awkward! I just meant I've been doing a whole bunch of unrelated things at the same time and trying not to let any of them hit the floor. Or the fan. God, I even turn a two sentence comment into an essay! And I really should stop rambling inside these brackets. Bet you don't remember where I was before I started them now! I have the advantage that I've already written the bit outside the brackets, so I don't need to remember what it is! Nyahhnyahhnyahnyahnyahhh! Oook, I think I need to be off to bed), so you'll have to continue waiting for my followup.
