Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Set Random to Maximum

I do go exceedingly random sometimes.

Brought air conditioning unit number two home today. Puff pant pant phew hah! :)

Had a Magnum. White chocolate. Yum :)

I'm not a fan of white chocolate in general, but I do love those white Magnums :)

Phoned Mrs M, had a mostly reasonably chat but picked up some details on stuff which kinda sucks for her. I'll explain later. Felt a bit down as a result of conversation, but decided to hop out to Tesco anyway :) Can't remember why I had a burning urge to go to Tesco, but I just felt I needed to ;) (I think you hit that "I don't need to go shopping, but it might be convenient if..." point)

Glad I did though, was feeling a little down for that, but 'twas perked up going around Tesco :)
Actually, I think I was feeling better simply by the time I got there :) Parked in roughly the same spot I usually do - the far side of the car park. Of course, seeings as it was about 9pm, it was almost empty for many rows before that ;) Still, a li'l extra walkin' can't be bad :)

Hummed, probably poorly+irritatingly ;) as I walked around :) Picked up some sausage rolls and some salad to have for me tea :) (I'm eating them now :) along with some cheese [Cathedral City] and a packet of crisps [McCoys, Salt & Vinegar] )
Saw fresh cream chocolate eclairs on offer. Bought 8, will take them to work tomorrow :)

Checkout girl seemed quite cheery but a little tired. She said she'd been off for a couple of weeks and had just started at 5. I imagine it must make for a long day when you spent the rest of it at uni. Whilst she didn't have a specifically small frame, her bossom seemed quite ample for someone of her size. Pondered whether larger than average breasts growing up led to more popularity or more back ache. You probably have to take the rough with the smooth :)

Pushed trolley back to far side of car park. Went to walk trolley to trolley park/shelter thingy, but noticed it was empty. Looked across at next nearest, also empty. Decided to walk back half-way across the carpark to one that wasn't empty. I mean it seemed silly making someone else have to walk all the way over for one solitary trolley :)
Trolley-collecty person headed towards me as I walked to it. As I approached him, I spun the trolley around such that the handles were towards him and exclaimed, "Here you are, sir! :)"

He appeared bemused ;)

Radio on the way home did not interest me. Random humming continued, followed by attempting to hum badly and generally make tuneless noise, followed by setting random to high gear as I proceeded to talk to myself.

Used a silly word.

"I'll have you know," I said, "that that word is in fact in the dictionary."

"And you may not think that. But I happen to know that, because I was, in fact, the editor for the Oxford English Dictionary at that time, and I happened to be on the committee that accepted that word into the dictionary! Hah! Oh yes. Not that I can remember what that word was, but still, ahahaha!"

(All bollocks, of course, in case you hadn't realised ;) )

I wonder what it's like to be sane ;)

Please, let me keep such wondering strictly in my imagination ;)

1 comment:

  1. I confess I did a couple of double-takes - I must be overtired! I was SURE I read "hair conditioning unit" - HA!! And then bossom (cackle) - wondered if that was a new word you'd invented to cover both bosom and bottom. Arf!

    Waiting to hear about Mrs M's situation when you're ready.

