Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Value in Not Understanding

I can be quite good at understanding things. I can manage to forget my own thoughts and think about how and why someone else would do something. I can see their point of view, explain it to others, or help them with where they are.

On the other hand, it also means that even if I don't know or like someone, or something, I can still consider why they might have done something and argue their side. Of course, that's still based on my assumptions about people in general, and it's also still quite annoying to the other people I'm talking to when I'm defending someone I don't know, but I don't think it's *JUST* because I'm argumentative ;)

I think in general it's because I like to understand. I don't like it when I don't understand something. It's... Frustrating.

Or at least, that was how I used to feel. There is some sick and twisted stuff that I just cannot fathom one iota.

So I used to think, "How... Why... How could someone do this!? Why would they do that!?"

One day I realised the value in not understanding.

Why would I want to understand those things? Who would I be if I did? I would not be me. I would be someone else. And quite frankly, I'm a whole lot better off being left dumb-founded and confused by some people and their actions.

I'd like to think that perhaps I'm capable of some actions that those people can't understand either.

The only police-related blog that I regularly read is Ing's, but it's still obvious that some complete and total tit has been trying to cause trouble recently, bad-mouthing police menofficers who have left tributes to Pc Jon Henry.

Now, I don't know if these idiots really do hate every officer who puts on The Uniform, or whether they're simply out to cause trouble. Either way, I don't understand it.

But I'll tell you what I do understand about it. I understand the good that has come from it.

These idiots, they wanted to cause hurt and anger and offence. Maybe they did a little of that. But oh, they did so, so much more.

They have caused oh so very many people to come out of the woodwork, stand up, and say, "Hey, I like the police forceservice! You guys do a damn good job!"

They have caused people to come together, to stand as one, to say in unison, "Thank you!"

I would like to think that they do not understand why that has happened. Only that they are remarkable for causing so many people to stand up and rally around their officers.

Our officers.

Our police.


  1. Absolutely. My thoughts exactly.

  2. I do the 'seeing things from all angles' too which is why I find it very hard to make a decision. But with this moron, I just can't understand beyond the fact that they are a moron with too much free time.

  3. I could possibly understand if you forced me to but i have a life ;o)

  4. Sorry in slow motion i read that again as i pressed 'publish' and tried to press the back button ~ hmmm.

    What i meant is, I would bother spending my energy understanding unless it was related to work or something.

    In no way did i mean it a slur on anyone else who would like to understand them.

    Am i making this worse?

    I'll be quiet now.

  5. Thanks IM, that does mean alot.

    But still I maintain, we're no heroes, we just do a job, like everyone else... We're just daft enough to volunteer to do it.

  6. I pity these people. To be that ignorant you cant be angry with them - you've got to feel sorry for them. After all, they are the biggest fools of all.
