Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Remain Calm

I can't see that and help but think, "Remain calm, Kryten. This is your CPU speaking. There has been an accident. Both your legs have been crushed beyond repair. Your ambulatory system has been destroyed, and your life expectancy is currently estimated at 67 minutes. If there is any further news, we will keep you updated. In the mean time, here is a little music." [Cue muzak rendition of "Copacabana"]

Anyway. I've spent a few hours looking at places online today. And what progress have I actually made? Measurably? None. Grrrrr.

This is the sort of thing I'm not very good at. I'd normally leave this sort of thing to Mrs M who is better at it. I don't like getting wound up about stuff normally (either do it and be happy, or don't do it and don't bother getting stressed about it), but this is exactly the sort of thing I want to try to challenge myself to do over the next few months, and I'm struggling already.
At least I'm trying, and putting effort in, but I'm still feeling frustrated by it all.

So there :-P

I'd like to say I feel a bit better for that, but all I've done is waste more time ;)


  1. Sometimes the more you say it seems the less i know about you.

    Clever that ;~)

    "This sort of thing..."

    What specifically is it that you are talking about?

    1. Hunting down something?
    2. Viewing/choosing?
    3. Making decisions?
    4. Getting it wrong?

    To avoid you saying "all of the above" ;~) could you rate them if they apply?...out of 10 maybe?


  2. If I say 'these things take time', you'll think I'm being patronising. So I won't say that, cause I don't want you to think I'm being annoying (or at least in this occasion).

    I think you don't realise how well you are actually doing. You are planning to do 2 of the most stressful things known to human beings...seperate from a loved one and move at the same time. Cut yourself some slack.
