Saturday, July 08, 2006

All Roads Lead to Rome

The last day or two in "blogland" have been a little odd, with a few bizarre and coincidental connections shooting across the place.

A few days ago, Hanni posted a bit about her past. A day or two later, she deleted it.

Meanwhile, a few days ago, AnnieSeed's blog disappeared, only for her to now say she deleted it.

So then last night, before I wrote the long one, I had started thinking about it, and where I wanted to start, and where I wanted to go. I thought I'd just wibble the web a little before getting right down to it, though. Only to find that Hanni's site had been redesigned, and I had been added to the list of blogs there. Well, when that happens, you have to go look through all the others, don't you. (I'd done it before, but not recently)
One of those (I recognised the blogger's name from the commenters in Hanni's blog, but I forget which one it was - too many of them have three letter names... Just checked and it was Jef) had discussed sex & marriage. Given what I was thinking about at the time, this obviously stuck in my mind.

Oh honestly! Now coincidences are happening out of thin air! I went back to Hanni's blog to check whose blog the above post was from, and because I remembered when I looked at them the other day, some links didn't work. And what do I see? Quizz Coach's blog (see! Memorable on account of NOT having a three letter name) only talking about people deleting posts and not saying things in their blogs!

Oh good grief! (Erp, now I sound like Dangermouse) When on Earth did it get to be 2:40am. I don't think I'll be posting much else tonight after all!

I know that last night I didn't actually get anywhere significant, but I think I've pretty much got all the "in-between" bits done now, I can move on to the rest.
Even then, there were several points in writing it all that I felt a bit emotional. Unfortunately, those bits were mostly when I remembered how happy I was all those years ago. It's the same thinking about it now.
And yet when I read AnnieSeed's post about her deleting her blog, it was strange. It really did remind me so much of the sort of thing my wife can do that it did make me smile. I guess it's when my wife feels like that, that I put everything else behind me for the time, and just try to solve whatever is making her unhappy.

Well, or sometimes (often) when it's her who is making herself unhappy, I just tickle her. That puts a bloody smile on her face even if she doesn't feel like smiling! :-P

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