Sunday, July 23, 2006

Things I Want to Say

Right, well, I was thinking about writing something more about... well, everything, but I wasn't sure where to start, let alone where to end.

So I decided to make a list of some things I've thought of that I think I have something to say about. As I started writing it, I then figured I might as well post it here, and people can either then ask me about something, or poke me into adding new things I've forgotten about (or, more likely, ponder quietly over the list's content ;). The list started with me just trying to think about "relationship stuff", but by the end I've diverged a little. Is "diverged" the word I want? Doesn't sound right for some reason. Well, I've already "divulged" quite a lot, so I know that's not the one I meant ;)

The list is not in any sort of sequence, other than the sequence in which I remembered/wrote them:

1. Recently, I'm less horny (probably linked to 2)
2. Recently, she's (even) less horny
3. What happens if the sex comes back, and...?
4. Refusal to accept things?
5. Continued lack of commitment on my behalf?
6. Past regrets
7. (see 1) Strangely.. calm
8. It's all about perspective. Why 5 years doesn't feel as bad to me
9. How she feels (sexually, emotionally, maritally), and where she wants to go
10. I relate her unknown lack of desire now to my unknown lack of want for sex at the start of the relationship, despite (or because) understanding neither. (That one probably doesn't need any more said about it)
11. My e-mail isn't working today
12. It's probably a good thing, I think I've acquired a bunch of spam comments again. Note to self: Enable some sort of anti-spam comment feature.
13. Blogs I haven't started properly reading, but if I list them here, I can get around to removing them from my favourites, returning my favourites once more to links of 0 significance in themselves.
14. I think I've given up a little on attempting to remain anonymous. I could have done, but it meant sacrificing being more talkative, and it's good to talk, as BT & Bob Hoskins said.
15. Consider: Writing an index of posts of significance, to make finding those ones easier in amongst all the other dribble ;)
16. Thank all you readers for being investing your time in reading about me & my thoughts, and for leaving such wonderfully honest comments :) I appreciate even (if not especially) the "oh wow I don't really know what to say"-type awkward comments ;)
17. I had hoped that when Relate came back to us we could have got "'round the corner" appointments, rather than the slightly more difficult appointments which involve a short motorway jaunt. I think now we'll likely just go with whichever becomes available first.
18. My brain stopped playing this game a while ago. Either I've remembered it all, or the rest has fallen through the holes.
== Update, 24/07/06 ==
19. Why I proposed
20. Why I got married
== Update, 25/07/06 ==
21. Food (again, sorry)
22. Note to self: Must remember to cut my finger nails when I actually have an opportunity to do something about it
23. P'raps something about God, religion, and all that malarky.


  1. diveted ?
    diffused ?
    debunked ?

    15, i like the challenge

    lol to 19 and 20 being an update

    That's called a 'door-knobber' in the profession

  2. "Rambled" would probably have done ;)

    Well I thought of 19 and 20 right after I went to bed last night! Of course, by this morning, it took me some time to remember what it was I actually thought of, but I got there in the end ;)

    It's a difficult task rembering all the things you've forgotten! :-P

    Oh, and why a "door-knobber" ? :)

  3. OH OH i know
    a doorknobber is like when the last thing you say is the most importent and like people say it on the way out the door when theyve got there hand on the door knob!

  4. Ladies and Gentlemen, the expert is in ;)

    I thought it would be something like that, but I couldn't quiiite think of it :)

    Doesn't seem too hot today yet, which is odd - I thought it was supposed to be hotter today. So, it's not excessively hot, and there's good music on the radio. AND I've had new comments since last night! Hopefully this will continue to be a good day :)

  5. Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
