Monday, July 10, 2006

Can't Sleep 3: Hanni, Names... and something else I can't remember

I'm sure I thought of three things I could have put in this post's name. Oh well :)

Over on her blog, I notice that Hanni sometimes refers to me as Mr. M Fish. Well, let's face it, "Inspector Monkfish" is just plain stupid ;)

Made me wonder whether I should rename myself to "Michael" or something though, after the great Michael Fish the Weatherman :)

OH FFS! :) Now I have just remembered the third part! Age! And memory I was thinking too! Oh honestly!! :)

Anyway, then I remembered looking at peoples' CVs at work thinking "Honestly, 1987! That was the year of the Great Storm! You can't be applying for a job if you were born then!" ... Realised that Hanni was probably born in 1988ish, and likely has no idea what "The Great Storm" was, or perhaps even who Michael Fish was! :)

Of the Great Storm, Michael Fish said:

"Earlier on today apparently a lady rang the BBC and said she heard that there was a hurricane on the way. Well don't worry if you're watching, there isn't."

Well well, apparently there's more than that that isn't normally shown on the shows that repeat that excerpt.
Bored enough to read more? :)

See, and that's why I feel old. Not to mention my bloody memory clearly is failing! ;)


  1. Hey, thanks for the add under the blogs I read bit! I'm still learning all this template doolbot and terrified of mucking it up!

  2. Actually, I'm quite surprised at how many people have done so much with their templates. Even yours looks to have a decent amount of extra bits in it.

    Personally, I have no fear. ;) (Especially if I took a backup first ;) )

    My general rule for adding a blog down there is:
    1. Whether it holds my attention for long enough (i.e. more than 5 seconds really)
    2. Does it seem to get updated
    3. When can I be bothered to add it ;)

    So far, of the four blogs I have "randomly" encountered, two are down there. I'm keeping an eye on the other two to see whether anything "ever" happens to them ;)

  3. yeah i was born in 1987 guy, whats up with that grandad? HAHAHA only kidding. So i am 19 this month in fact. So like how old are you? you sound like...umm...28 i rekon.

    I have some stuff to email ya, its been buggin me but i dont wanna put it on ya blog.

    I am listening to Keane like sooo frakin loud...haha...they rock!



  4. Pff, I can't believe you don't even know how to login ;)

    I like to think of myself as still being arguably in my mid-twenties, although it's also arguably mid-to-late ;)

  5. Oh sod it ;)

    I am 26. And a half ;)

    So I'm not THAT close to 30 yet! ;)

    Although my wife is 29, so soon I'll really be able to tease her ;)

    Of course, I have also learnt that no matter how old you are, you always go on feeling young. (Well, that's probably assuming you aren't a pessimist ;)

    I know (work with) people in their 30s/40s/(not 50s really, oddly)/60s who you can tell still feel young. Some of them are even sillier than I ;) (Well, at times)

  6. Oh, also, I did download some Keane the other day, because I had a feeling I might have liked some of their stuff. Not listened to it yet to work it out though.

    Now, I really must get back to work. (Not done much today - probably due to about the two and a quarter hours sleep I got last night)

  7. PS. (Oh honestly, I'm making all these bloody comments in a row all over the place. I'm starting to look like a spammer!)

    I fired you off an e-mail, Hanni.

    My address is mentioned in my profile:
    inspmonkfish at yahoo dot com

    The only reason I have it written like that is to try to avoid receiving a shed-load of spam. I get enough of that to my usual accounts!

  8. PPS. (Argh!)
    If you have an opinion or questions, I am happy for you to leave them here. (Where they'll go unnoticed in all this spam that bloody Inspector Monkfish has left)

    Well, I might not be happy, but the worst thing I can do is delete your comments!

    MUUHAHAHAHA! Absolute power is mine! Tomorrow... The World!

    [wanders off while making a terrible attempt at evil laughter]
