Wednesday, July 12, 2006

"20th Century DJs used to suffer with it all the time..."

One of my (our) favourite TV programmes is Red Dwarf. This is a sci-fi comedy. In one of the episodes, they discover a thing called a "positive virus". I was going to try and explain this a bit, but it's probably simpler to just copy in a part of the script:

KRYTEN: Quite extraordinary. Lanstrom postulated that there are two kinds of virus. Positive and negative. The negative we already know about.
LISTER: Yeah, like the flu, rabies, that kind of stuff.
KRYTEN: But she also believed that there are positive viral strains which actually make human beings feel better.
CAT: Such as?
KRYTEN: Well, at a very basic level she predicted a kind of "reverse flu" -- a strain of virus which promotes an unaccountable feeling of well-being and happiness.
LISTER: That's happened to me! Me life's been turned to complete and utter crud, and I've woken up in the morning feeling good for no apparent reason!
KRYTEN: The chances are, sir, that on those occasions you had unwittingly contracted Lanstrom's virus. According to her notes, twentieth-century DJs suffered from it all the time.

Seriously, I have no idea why, but I reckon I must have caught that reverse-flu at the moment.

I am for whatever reason really not feeling too bad about everything at the moment, and I have absolutely NO idea why :) Having just thought about everything to be able to write all about it, I really would expected to be feeling somewhat depressed.

I'm not sure whether it's because I've shared it all with the world, or whether that was why I was able to share it with the world, whether it's because I've caught reverse-flu, because I have accepted the fact that we're married and will work this problem out now - rather than running away or something, because it's such nice weather, or what. On the plus side, it's certainly easier to talk about. So if anyone does want to say anything at all, just go ahead and say it, because right now, I can deal with anything! ;)

Oh, or it could be a sense of light-headedness caused by lack of sleep. ;) I would like to post some of my thoughts and stuff on things that I believe contribute to our problem, however I don't think I'll be doing that today.
This morning, the alarm went off a few times and I hit the snooze button a few times. Eventually, I managed to look 'round and mumble some sort of "good morning" greeting at my wife who was laying next to me.
The alarm went off again. I reached out to turn it off, and as I did so, my wife walked back into the room with a towel 'round her head (in that very girly way).
I normally wake up fairly easily, so the fact that I have absolutely no recollection of her getting up, leaving the room, flushing the toilet, turning the radio on, or washing her hair, suggests to me that I need an early night ;)

See also: Biorhythms


  1. Or maybe watching Red Dwarf has just really cheered you up! It does that for me, anyway! Especially Rimmer in a dress. Although I don't want to think too deeply about why that is. :-P

    Oh, and I know that script off by heart. Actually, I know all of them off by heart. Thank God this is anonymous!

  2. Well I knew it well enough to describe without watching it (Hence the reason the title of the post isn't perfect, but pretty good seeings I haven't watched this episode in weeks!), and then I looked the script up ;)
    To be honest, I've tried to avoid watching it a bit recently, as some of them I actually know too well.

    I still really need an early night, but I didn't make it in the end.
    I was even more cheerful when I got home (had a nice walk in the sun, then did the weekly shop), and my wife was pretty cheery too. Unfortunately, I ended up having a bit of a go at her about food & sex (obviously, it is still all on my mind at the moment), even although I knew she would have no answers. Felt a bit wound up after that, so didn't want to go to bed early (I wouldn't have slept).

    I calmed down a lot after I read Hanni/Snow's blog. I think everyone has a story to tell. Anyway, it pushed everything I had been thinking out of my head. 'Course, it added rather a lot too, but I can muse over it slowly.

    I'm off now...

    I want to fly, on a magic carpet, to see the king of the Potato People and plead with him for my freedom. ;)
