Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I first heard of biorhythms many years ago. I think it was on a floppy disk filled with 101 random utilities, and one of them was a biorhythm calculator.
The theory behind biorhythms is that from when you are born, there are three cycles "bouncing" up and down (or cycling, if you prefer ;) over and over again.

The theory goes that there are three cycles, for "Physical", "Emotional", and "Intellectual", and they all flow up and down independently of one-another. This means that sometimes they might all be up at the top of their cycles together, down at the bottom together, or scattered all over the shop.

Here's my chart for today:

(Generated here)

I don't really believe that there could be such completely consistent cycles from the day you're born right the way through your life (after all, I gather even the most well known of human monthly cycles can shift around a bit - and I hear "synchronise" with others - scary thought ;)

But sometimes I do wonder if there could be something along those lines.

Or perhaps it's just which side you get out of bed ;)

Hah! I remember hearing my driving instructor believed in them. I looked mine up on the day I took a driving test (I forget whether it was the 2nd or 3rd/final), and mine were pretty much all scheduled to be rock-bottom on the day.

See also: "20th Century DJs used to suffer with it all the time..."

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