Saturday, August 12, 2006

Welcome Googlers

I notice from my stats that people have sometimes bumped into my blog while searching for stuff on Google.

So, in an effort to make your lives easier:

  1. The wonderful Hovis wheat field advert:

  2. The Radio 1 "Anteater" spoof of Nelly Furtado's "Man Eater".

That's all for now :)


  1. Bizarre - I was just thinking about the people stumbling on my blog after googling.

    I'm intrigued by this Anteater song, I must admit...

  2. also looking for Anteater lyrics...

  3. I'm an Anteater, does that help?

  4. I was wondering - is the Monkfish name inspired by The Fast Show perhaps?

  5. What a random collection of comments :)

    Yes, I was feeling unimaginative on the "trying to think of a new name" front when I started this identity, so I just sort of borrowed it a bit :)

    Aren't names brilliant!? ;)

    (I couldn't be bothered to try to think of a "you know ing, coming up with a name is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman..."-style answer ;)

  6. Im looking for my blog...haha

  7. Heh. See, everytime I see the name I just think of Channel 9's "Moooonnnnkfiiiiiish" on The Fast Show. :)
